UWT Donates Clothes Packs to Orphans in Mogadishu, Somalia
Alhamdulillah, we visited the Markaz Uthman bin Affan (Rad) orphanage in Mogadishu, Somalia where we distributed 1,000 clothes packs to the orphans there.
Excited to see the colourful bags, the children were joyful and extremely happy with their gifts. Each clothes pack contained over 10 items of clothing including Jubbah's, t-shirts, dresses, shoes and sandals so they would be able to share their clothes packs with any brothers and sisters too.Above: Here I had look around at their bedrooms and the conditions in which they were living in. Upto 30 children shared a single dormitory and despite the poor living conditions, they would thank Allah swt for being provided at least a roof over their heads.
Above: For the young orphan children, this was one of the happiest days of their lives.
Above: Thousands of faces gleaming like lamps as they receive colourful UWT clothes packs.
UWT Distributes 1,000 Food Packs to IDP's in Mogadishu, Somalia
Ummah Welfare Trust's emergency food relief went on today with the grace of Allah (swt), on this occasion distributing 1,000 food packs to IDP's who came from far wide to collect their food.
Above: As always, the 1,000 food packs are neatly set up by UWT field workers.
Above: Mashaa-Allah, this 1,000 food pack distribution was donated by 45 brothers who took part in a gruelling charity bike trek over 4 days covering more than 200kms across the Moroccan High Atlas mountains. Headed by the inspirational Brother Eman Ali from Manchester, UK, they began their fundraising campaign months before and raised a staggering £110,000! May Allah (swt) reward all the brothers who took part in this charity bike trek and just like they have fed and given provisions to the poor and needy of this Ummah today in this dunya, may Allah swt grant them provisions in Jannatul-Firdaus.
Above: The recipients of the food packs take them away towards their camps.
UWT Water Tankers Deployed in Mogadishu
By the grace of Allah (swt), Ummah Welfare Trust deployed 3 huge water tankers providing water to thousands of families in Mogadishu.
Sa'ad Ibn 'Ubadah (may Allah be pleased with him) asked the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) ‘Apostle of Allah, what form of
sadaqah is the best?’ He replied, ‘Water.’ - Abu Dawood
These water tankers are capable of carrying a huge 42,000 litres of water. They fill up every morning and arrive in Central Mogadishu where thousands line up to fill up their water drums.
Above: This water tanker was donated by a group of brothers and sisters from London (Acqua Trust), who raised £27,000 between themselves to respond to the cries of the Ummah in Somalia due to their desperate need for water.
Above: This water tanker was donated for the isaal-thawaab of Amina & Ebrahim Sidat, may Allah (swt) grant all donors of these water tankers lofty rankings in Jannatul-Firdaus and quench their thirst on the day of judgement like they have quenched the thirst of thousands of poor and needy families in Somalia, Aameen
UWT Distributes Wheel Chairs and Crutches to Disabled People in Somalia
Alhamdulillah, this great aid package of wheel chairs and crutches was very well received by the disabled in Mogadishu.
Above: As you can imagine, disabled people lead a very difficult life especially in third world countries. UWT's aid package sponsored by Mahad-ush-Shuhada, Preston, UK will inshaa-Allah benefit these people more than we can imagine.
Above: A brother arrives carrying his elderly mother to collect a brand new UWT wheelchair
Above: On of our brothers smiles away as he is wheeled away on his brand new wheelchair.